Poland - Broekman Logistics

Broekman Logistics in Poland


Broekman Logistics has been present in Poland, since 2010. Located in the heart of Europe, the country serves as a prominent logistics hub for goods moving between Western Europe, the Baltic Sea region, and Eastern Europe.

Do you know Poland as a logistics hub?

Poland has access to major European ports, such as Gdansk and Szczecin, through well-established transport corridors, including highways, railways, rivers and canals. The ports serve as crucial points for sea-rail and sea-road intermodal transportation, connecting Poland to international shipping routes. This enables us to efficiently and rapidly transport your goods within Poland or worldwide.

By storing products close to customers, lead times shorten and cost-effective supply chain operations are streamlined. This provides alignment of supply with demand, allowing for responsiveness to changes in demand and customer needs.

Agent networks

We are your more than your international logistics partner

Our offices in Poland

Our head office is centrally located in Poznan. We operate from additional offices in Gdynia (port and shipyard area) covering also the Gdansk area, and Wyszkow and Blonie which cover the Warsaw area. Our local experts provide logistics services for domestic and international shipments:

  • Air freight, ocean freight, rail freight, road transport, inland distribution, multimodal transport
  • Shipping
  • Warehousing and storage, inventory management, hazardous goods storage
  • Value Added Logistics and Value Added Services: assembly, mixing, packaging, labelling
  • Project Logistics: oversized, heavy or high value cargo
  • Customs clearance
  • Fiscal representation
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Poland is a gateway to European markets

Integrated Logistics Solutions

Poland’s commitment to building and maintaining a well-integrated and efficient transportation infrastructure, combined with its strategic location and government support, enables the country to provide effective intermodal transportation services.

We offer our third-party logistics expertise to partners in sectors such as chemicals, agricultural machinery, general cargo commodities, greenhouse and horticulture, other machinery, retail, and metal. We handle licenses, customs, documentation, insurance, certificates, and labelling, ensuring your products reach their desired destinations on time.


We offer a full range of customised logistics services in the Machinery, Industrial and Chemical markets.

Active member of excellent agency networks

Our industrial partners seek a dependable logistics solutions provider with an extensive global network. With our offices in Western and Central Europe, South and East Asia, and the support of worldwide agency networks, we extend our services to partners worldwide and uphold the commitments they make.

We actively participate in esteemed national and global freight networks, such as the IFLN and GLA. This means that we not only guarantee reliable services in regions where we have our own offices, warehouses, and terminals, but also extend this reliability globally.

We are industry specialists in Poland

Our offices

Our experts provide comprehensive international freight forwarding services, warehousing, storage, distribution and value added services from our office in Poland.


Contact our experts in your region

Andrzej Stec

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