Broekman Logistics Born in the picture - Broekman Logistics

Broekman Logistics Born in the picture

Together with the ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy & Interior and Kingdom Relations, Deltametropool is currently working on two studies of large-scale work locations in the Netherlands. As in the political and media debate on business estates, the abstract nature of this type of place plays a major role in both studies.

In addition to being large-scale, these places are often anonymous and with limited access, while relevant and innovative things are happening there, and many people have their jobs there. With the help of Rufus de Vries‘ extraordinary documentary-style photography, in which “reality is staged and thus becomes more visible,” the Deltametropolis Association has made these locations, including our own location in Born, tangible. This enables a more informed dialogue about the transitions and planning of these locations.

View a sneakpeak of all the locations mentioned here.

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