Weert - Broekman Logistics

Broekman Logistics Weert


We are located in Weert, Limburg. A logistics hub that is home to several industrial areas that provide facilities for warehousing, manufacturing and distribution.

Broekman Logistics Weert

Looking Beyond

In a 62.000m2 state-of-the-art warehouse in Weert, we store, assemble and distribute products of Kubota’s, a Japanese manufacturer, construction machinery division. The operations in this warehouse contribute to overall efficiency, sustainability, optimising assembly operations and shortening lead times. We commit to long-term partnerships, enabling in this specific case, Kubota to improve their current range of services and increase satisfaction of dealers, distributors and end customers.

Weert has a central position in Europe, with major multimodal hubs Venlo and Rotterdam nearby, which makes it a logistics focal point. Excellent inland connections and easy access to European markets enables Kubota to minimise transportation costs and quickly respond to changes in customer demand.

A multimodal transport hub and ability to provide value added services


Weert hosts expansive distribution centres and warehouses, seamlessly facilitating the storage and distribution of substantial volumes of goods. We provide customised end-to-end supply chain solutions, and together with you, we look beyond your typical storage and international shipments. We offer the following solutions:

  • Warehousing and storage
  • Product assembly
  • Component integration.
  • Assembly and repairing operations.
  • Inventory management
  • Production parts management. Production parts and VAL options
  • Value added logistics and services: kitting and co-packing, fine picking, packing and labelling
  • Pre-delivery inspections and testing
  • Compliance and quality control
  • Customs clearance
  • Fiscal Representation
Vestiging Weert Warehouse



Storage capacity of 62.000 m2

Customised engineering storage space

Operational and production workspace for technical assembly services

Safe, secure and certified logistics solutions

Through our own international offices in the Benelux, Czech Republic, Poland, India, and China, we are able to serve you with unmatched expertise and efficiency in international logistics. We are certified and operate under the following norms:

AEO certificate_Broekman Logistics
AEO certificate_Broekman Logistics
AEO certificate_Broekman Logistics
AEO certificate_Broekman Logistics
AEO certificate_Broekman Logistics
AEO certificate_Broekman Logistics

Contact our expert in your region

Ron Kuijpers

The Netherlands
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Jarno Smeets

The Netherlands
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Collin Baird

The Netherlands
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