Broekman Shipping supports singing event for Daniel den Hoed family house - Broekman Logistics

Broekman Shippins supports singing event for Daniel den Hoed family house


The sensational and entertaining pop event Zing je Schor [sing until you’re hoarse – tr.] is raising funds for the Daniel den Hoed Family House. A select group of Rotterdam locals will get to sing their favourite song on the stage of Kantine Walhalla on Tuesday 4 April under the musical guidance of the amazing Het Groot Niet Te Vermijden band. Each show will be sponsored by supporters of the people performing.

Broekman Shipping is backing Arjan Kruis from Akomar Shipping, a company which we have fine and long-lasting business  with relationship. “I’m accepting the challenge and will be singing myself hoarse for the Daniel van Hoed Family House on Tuesday 4 April,” says Arjan. “Will you support me on stage? I hope to raise at least €5000 but I could double this amount with your help. Your contribution will help many people be with their oved ones during the hardest of  times.”

Thanks to the support of Broekman Shipping, Arjan has already raised an amount of €7,000!

Daniel den Hoed family house

Located close to the Erasmus MC Cancer Institute, the Family House serves as a temporary second home to family members of patients. It allows them to be together as much as possible during intense emotional periods of illness and treatment. The Daniel den Hoed Family House is an independent foundation that receives no financial support from the hospital or government and depends fully on donors and volunteers.

The Family House has been situated on Karl Weisbardstraat 205 in Little C, across from Erasmus MC, since 5 May 2021.

For more information, please contact our professional Jaap van Zevenbergen!


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